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This is where the fun begins outside of the Theme Parks! A little bit of the real Florida and a taste of what this part of America is all about (& what many people unfortunately do not necessarily get to see).  Florida was once known as "a most inhospitable place" and is now one of the top travel destinations in the world.  Delve a little deeper here to see unique things this State has to offer...

  • Writer's pictureJoanne - Florida wonderer

Unique Architecture at its best... Dali

This is one of my favorite places in the whole wide world!

It might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but the architecture of the Dali Museum in St Petersburg is amazing. It’s on the American Institute of Architects distinguished “Florida Architecture of the Last 100 Years” list, AOL’s Travel “Buildings You Have To See Before You Die” and the Michelin Guide rated it as the “top museum in the American South”.

This building (completed in 2011) holds the most comprehensive collection of Salvador Dali’s work outside of Spain, and was built to echo his style of art.

It is built on the beautiful bay along St Pete’s downtown waterfront, with boats lined up in front and a small airport to the side. The building stands 3 stories high and measures 68,000 sq. ft/6300 sq. m and boasts 18-inch-thick concrete walls. The glass (75 ft “Enigma” and 45 ft “Igloo) are made from 1062 panes of glass with no two of them identical. This fortress protects the 2,000-piece collection from category 5 hurricanes and storm surges. Behind the museum there is a garden too, with Dali themed sculptures & many people tear off their entrance wrist bands and tie them to one of the trees there.

Salvador Dali was one of the leading representatives of the Surrealist movement. His eccentric nature and appearance overflows into his art and his later work includes illusions, holography and geometry built into his paintings. Some of his most famous pieces include “The Persistence of Memory” with its melting clocks (whilst not on display here, a similar one is), and “Daddy Longlegs of the Evening” are prime examples of this. He painted some huge pieces too, one called “Galacidalacidesoxiribunucleidacid” (Homage to Crick & Watson) measures 120x163.5 inches.

There are guided tours (with some geared more for children) as well as audio tours available. I have done both and equally are fascinating and educational – there are so many messages poured into his art work including his father, his home country, his wife and himself.

This museum began when Eleanor Morse (an avid art collector) & her husband were concerned about inheritance tax which could have lead to the breakup of their large Dali collection. No museum wanted all of the artwork and so they built a museum in St Petersberg. The City was keen to upgrade its image, and together with a donation of $3million from the State of Florida it was built. The structure wasn’t considered strong enough to protect the works of art from storms, and so this new, unique museum was built.

It’s a great place to lose yourself for a few hours – truly something completely different!

The Dali Museum can be found at One Dali Blvd, St Petersberg, FL 33701

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Beyond the Theme Parks - Born in London, England, Made in Florida, USA

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