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This is where the fun begins outside of the Theme Parks! A little bit of the real Florida and a taste of what this part of America is all about (& what many people unfortunately do not necessarily get to see).  Florida was once known as "a most inhospitable place" and is now one of the top travel destinations in the world.  Delve a little deeper here to see unique things this State has to offer...

A Winter Retreat

Writer's picture: Joanne - Florida wondererJoanne - Florida wonderer

This historic home isn’t far from I4, along the St John’s River, and when visiting here we combine it with a visit to nearby Gemini Springs (so called because of 2 spring heads that join & flow together to Lake Monroe).

This site is home to the oldest intact building in southwest Volusia County and is listed on the National Registry of Historic Places.

I really enjoy this pretty historic area, in its natural setting, and have brought several out of town visitors to this spot😊

Frederick Debary was a German immigrant and lived in New York and imported champagne to the US. He missed the hunting grounds that he grew up with back home, and when his daughter became ill with asthma, his doctor suggested a visit to Florida may help with her condition.

In the 1800’s travel to Florida was very long and difficult. First a train to Jacksonville and then a steam boat to Enterprise which was the furthest south any major tourism would go. Many people visited Green Springs close to here where they would supposedly benefit from the sulfur waters. Mr. DeBary instantly fell in love with the amount of space that this area had to offer which would be prime for horses, hunting and entertaining.

In January 1871 he bought 3 parcels of land and built DeBary Hall on the highest point with amazing views. Once the home was built he planted over 600 acres of citrus groves and a packing house close to the lake pier for transportation of his produce. He also decided to build a fleet of steam boats for visitors to Enterprise (just a few miles away).

The house quickly became a winter retreat for the family and they had a constant stream of guests who enjoyed the swimming, fishing and hunting. The home was furnished with luxuries such as an elevator for guest’s luggage, a wired call system, electricity and running water (from a 500-gallon ceiling under the roof). All of this was protected with a lightening protection system.

As you enter the visitor center through the gift store, you are lead into a theater to watch a short movie about the history of the home. You are then lead on a guided tour of the two-story house which is furnished with items from the period.

Outside of the main house are stables and outbuildings giving information on their contents.

If you’re feeling active, there is also a trail here to walk to Gemini Springs.

The site is available to rent for weddings and other events so please check before you go that it will be open to the public here

Enjoy your trip!


Florida Citrus

Beyond the Theme Parks - Born in London, England, Made in Florida, USA

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